Swadeshi Movement Revival-CREDENCE Acoustic and False Ceiling 100% Swadeshi
History has been repeated with the launch of the “swadeshi” movement in the country and the countrymen are again getting inclined towards “desi” products (products which have been completely manufactured in India). Make in India is the slogan of the nation today and purchasing Made in India products is again in fashion. People have started the boycott of global brands be it there tooth paste or the bathing bar. The same event had been practiced by the Indians before independence also when our great leaders raised the slogan of “use swadeshi products” to get independence, and entire India followed them without a second thought and now again our great leader has raised the same slogan and again we need to unite to follow him without a second thought but this time the motive is to make India independent from dependency on foreign brands and simultaneously boosting Indian economy by the use of Indian brands only. Indian brands are getting the opportunity to eradicate the global brands and place their products in the hearts of the countrymen.

This opportunity besides creating wealth for the Indian brands will also boost the Indian economy. Time has come when people are demanding the industrialists to make in India and provide best quality Made in India products with an excellent after sales service, durability and value for money. The brands which will provide all these parameters will emerge as the most trusted brand and win the hearts of the Indians and the globe as well. This time has emerged as an opportunity for the Indian brands to get promoted to global brands and change the stereotype nature of the masses around us. Indian Industrialists now need to prove that they were, are and always will be the best but people need to start trusting them by using their products. How do I know that a mango tastes sweet unless and until I taste it. It goes in the same way. India turning towards Swadeshi will be the only and correct way in the direction of Aatmanirbhar Bharat and Vocal for Local. The efforts of the Indian industries should be established on the constructive sense and long term plan of promoting Swadeshi products and Swadeshi companies. We have such crippling dependency on foreign companies in every sphere including social media that even we are unable to express our solidarity towards the national cause and in case if we try, we are arm twisted and rendered option less. In such situations, we wish to have our own Indian companies to fall back upon.
There are multiple sectors wherein Indian industries have been continuously working on the quality of the products, the research & development team is working on creating innovative user friendly products for their countrymen. A major sector which adds beauty to your place simultaneously providing healthy sound environment is the sector of Acoustics and False Ceiling. This industry has emerged as a necessity product in commercial sector. In this industry wherein the market has been somewhere captured by foreign brands, Credence has emerged as an Indian company providing 100% made in India products with the best quality. Carrying the label of swadesi brand acquiring the market share gradually, Credence has already instilled the parameters of best quality acoustic and false ceiling products, durability, value for money and an excellent after sales service and surging ahead on this path is ready to deliver innovative made in India products in the false ceiling and acoustic industry. Credence has transformed itself into a 100% Indian manufacturing product organisation including its manpower, machinery & technology or raw materials. Down the line Credence has progressed in inspiring its associates too for the use of only made in India products nurturing the slogan of vocal for local. The research and development team at Credence is working hard on drawing innovative products not only for the commercial sector but this time for the household sector as well. The country has got a local (desi) brand in the false ceiling and acoustics industry which is providing numerous products under its umbrella which are easy to use and add beauty to your place along with providing healthy sound environment. The efforts put-in by Credence should be established in the constructive sense and long term plan of promoting Swadeshi products and Swadeshi companies, may it be anything salt or software, printing paper or planes, tissue paper or tractor, household appliances, or mobile apps. The need to support Swadeshi is imperative not only for economic reasons but also for National Security and stability as foreign companies keep sensitive data in servers located abroad which may be compromised on the request of their respective govt. Turning towards Swadeshi will be the only and correct way in the direction of Aatmanirbhar Bharat and Vocal for Local.