Indispensable- Auditorium and Acoustics:

Auditoriums and Halls are typically large open spaces used for theatre, plays, concerts, or speaking engagements. If acoustical considerations in these spaces have not been well thought out, there may be reverberation (echo) present that creates speech intelligibility issues. High ceilings, bare side walls, and hard floors are reflective surfaces and will cause reverberant noise problems. Whether your auditorium is used for concerts, plays or lectures, it needs to support the large number of people you’ll draw in for events. Your audience must be able to hear the performance or speaker clearly, from every corner of the space for the complete experience and to enjoy it. If the auditorium has poor acoustics may be your guests will not be back. Another common challenge auditoriums face is keeping the sound contained within the space. Especially in buildings that have multiple performance areas, it is critical that the sound of one stage doesn’t disturb another.

Benefits of Auditorium Acoustics:

Soundproofing your auditorium can provide a plethora of benefits for acoustic quality, performance enhancement, audience enjoyment and revenue. You won’t believe the difference you notice after installing acoustic wall panels into your auditorium. Here’s what soundproofing can do for you. Background noise from traffic and sirens outside, voices in the lobby or other auditoriums can make it difficult for the audience to keep their full attention on whatever lecture or performance they’re attending. Acoustic wall panels in your auditorium block out unwanted exterior noise, making sure your audience remains focused on the show.

How to select the best acoustic option:

Noise Control Specialist would typically perform simple calculations as to how much material is needed and recommend introducing acoustic materials such as Acoustic Wall Panels, Stretch Wall Systems, Acoustic Clouds and Acoustic Baffles into the space to correct acoustical performance characteristics.

Kindly use the simulator below to crack the optimum value according to the dimensions of your auditorium space and the products to be used. You can also avail our consultancy services for the best recommendation of products to be used.